
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2020-089 Adjust Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Rates 12/1/20 Link
2020-088 Establish Acceptable Traffic Calming Measures 12/1/20 Link
2020-087 Adopt Supplemental Budget FY 12/1/20 Link
2020-086 Approve Police Dept Policy Updates 12/1/20 Link
2020-085 Canvass Nov 2020 Election Results 12/1/20 Link
2020-084 Opposing the Proposed Tipping Fee and Regional System Fee Increases by Metro 12/15/20 Link
2020-083 Auth Contract FTTH Design 11/17/20 Link
2020-082 Appoint John Velez to CAC 11/17/20 Link
2020-081 Appoint Lily Fairman to Library Adv Brd 11/17/20 Link
2020-080 Appoint Elizabeth Fritz Kaliszewski to Library Adv Brd 11/17/20 Link
2020-079 Appoint Vishwas Setty to Library Adv Brd 11/17/20 Link
2020-078 Appoint Jane Vankuren to Library Adv Brd 11/17/20 Link
2020-077 Appoint Dani Sticka to Library Adv Brd 11/17/20 Link
2020-076 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign an IGA with Clackamas Educational Services District for Data Connectivity Services 10/6/20 Link
2020-075 Amending the City’s FY2020-21 Fee Schedule 10/6/20 Link
2020-074 Establishing and Appointing an Advisory Committee for Development of an Urban Renewal Plan 10/6/20 Link
2020-073 Authorizing the City of Sherwood to Refinance Outstanding Obligations and Providing for Related Matters 10/6/20 Link
2020-072 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Grant Agreement and Construction Contract for Rural Broadband 10/6/20 Link
2020-071 Amending the City of Sherwood’s Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Policy and Reporting Procedures 10/6/20 Link
2020-070 Appointing Daniel Bantz to Planning Commission 10/6/20 Link
2020-069 Authorizing Contract with Oregon Native Drilling for Newberg Fiber Redundacy Project 9/15/20 Link
2020-068 Authorizing City Manager to Sign Agreement with Pivot Group for Marketing Services 9/15/20 Link
2020-067 Disbanding the PTO Subcommittee 9/15/20 Link
2020-066 Appointing Manny Sanchez to Parks & Recreation Board 9/15/20 Link
2020-065 Appointing Rodney Lyster to Parks & Recreation Board 9/15/20 Link
