
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2012-044 Certifying the Explanatory Statement for TEA Annexation Authorization for November 2012 Ballot 8/21/12 Link
2012-043 Appointing Michael Damann to the Parks and Recreation Board 8/21/12 Link
2012-042 Authorizing City Manager to Enter IGA with PMAT for Equipment and Services 8/21/12 Link
2012-041 Appointing Councilor Grant as WCCC Alt. & Bob Galati as WCCC Trans. Advisory Com. Member 8/7/12 Link
2012-040 Calling for and Election and Approving Ballot Title to Consider Tonquin Employment Area Annexation 8/7/12 Link
2012-039 Approving Refinance of Debt and IGA with URA to Pay Debt Service for Urban Renewal Projects 8/7/12 Link
2012-038 Approving Repair of Concrete Sidewalks within the City of Sherwood 8/7/12 Link
2012-037 Extending Portland General Electric Company Franchise Agreement 7/17/12 Link
2012-036 Approving Request from ODOT for Noise Variance to Perform Nighttime Construction Activity 7/17/12 Link
2012-035 Re-appointing James Copfer to the Planning Commission 7/17/12 Link
2012-034 Approving Amendments to Employee Manual 6/19/12 Link
2012-033 Adopting 2012-13 Budget 6/5/12 Link
2012-032 Adopting Fee Schedule and Establishing Fees for City Services 6/5/12 Link
2012-031 Declaring the City's Election to Receive State Revenues 6/5/12 Link
2012-030 Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Making Appropriations 6/5/12 Link
2012-029 Adopting the Capital Improvements Project Plan for FY 2013 6/5/12 Link
2012-028 Authorize Negotiation with Wash. Co. for Com. Dev. Block Grant for Senior Center Improv 6/5/12 Link
2012-027 Authorizing Contract with Hawkins Delafield & Wood for Bond Attorney Services 6/5/12 Link
2012-026 Certifying the Provision of Services to Qualify to Receive State Revenues 6/5/12 Link
2012-025 Establishing and Appointing Committees of the Sherwood Town Center Plan 6/5/12 Link
2012-024 Approving the Terms of Employment Agreement between Joseph Gall and the City 5/15/12 Link
2012-023 Approving Employment Related Decisions by City Manager Pro Tem 5/15/12 Link
2012-022 Authorizing IGA with ODOT to receive Transportation Growth Manag. Funds 5/1/12 Link
2012-021 Authorizing IGA with Washington Co for West Nile Virus Response Plan 5/1/12 Link
2012-020 Approving Employment Decisions by City Manager Pro Tem 5/1/12 Link
