
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2017-084 Appointment to Mayor Position 11/7/17 Link
2017-083 Declaring Two Council Seats Vacant 11/7/17 Link
2017-082 Approving IGA with the School District Regarding the New High School 11/7/17 Link
2017-081 Amending the City Manager Contract 11/7/17 Link
2017-080 Completing the City Manager Evaluation 11/7/17 Link
2017-079 Canvassing October 2017 Special Election Results 11/7/17 Link
2017-078 Reappointing Skye Boughey to Cultural Arts Commission 11/7/17 Link
2017-077 Amending the City Attorney Contract 11/7/17 Link
2017-076 Completing the City Attorney Evaluation 11/7/17 Link
2017-074 Declaring Vacancy of Mayor's Position 10/10/17 Link
2017-073 Supporting for a Technical Assistance Grant 10/3/17 Link
2017-072 Authorizing Staff to Apply for CDGB for the Senior Center 10/3/17 Link
2017-071 Approving Workers Compensation Coverage for Volunteers 10/3/17 Link
2017-070 Authorizing City Manager to Execute Agreement with Healthfitness-FAILED 9/26/17 Link
2017-069 Adopting City Attorney Evaluation Criteria 9/19/17 Link
2017-068 Adopting City Manager Evaluation Criteria 9/19/17 Link
2017-067 Authorizing Contract for Century Drive Repair 9/19/17 Link
2017-066 FCS Group Contract Amendment 9/19/17 Link
2017-065 Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate with Recreation Center Proposers in Ranked Order 8/15/17 Link
2017-064 Authorizing City Manager to Send Notice to YMCA 8/15/17 Link
2017-063 Approving Explanatory Statement for ISHE2017-1 8/15/17 Link
2017-062 Reappointing Susan Claus to the Budget Committee 8/15/17 Link
2017-061 Appointing Tyrone Stammers to Budget Committee 8/15/17 Link
2017-060 Appointing Nancy Taylor to Budget Committee 8/15/17 Link
2017-059 Appointing Kara Repp to Planning Commission 8/15/17 Link
