
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2016-064 Completing City Manager Evaluation 11/29/16 Link
2016-063 Completing City Attorney Evaluation 10/18/16 Link
2016-062 Establishing a Residential Parking District 10/4/16 Link
2016-061 Adopting the City Recorder Evaluation Criteria 10/4/16 Link
2016-060 Appointing Taylor Funrue to Police Advisory Board 10/4/16 Link
2016-059 Appointing Camryn Fox to Police Advisory Board 10/4/16 Link
2016-058 Opposing the Passage of Oregon State Measure 97 9/20/16 Link
2016-057 In Support of School District General Obligation Bond 34-254 9/20/16 Link
2016-056 On-Call Traffic Engineer Services 9/20/16 Link
2016-055 Joining HEAL Cities Campaign 9/6/16 Link
2016-054 Renewing Comcast Franchise Agreement 9/6/16 Link
2016-053 Adopting City Manager Evaluation Criteria 9/6/16 Link
2016-052 Reappointing Meerta Meyer to Budget Committee 8/16/16 Link
2016-051 Reappointing Rob Rettig to Planning Commission 8/16/16 Link
2016-050 Approving Ballot Title Explan Statement Submitting to Voter-Council Compensation 7/19/16 Link
2016-049 Approving Ballot Title Explan Statement Submitting to Voters-Mayors Term 7/19/16 Link
2016-048 Approving Ballot Title Explan Statement Submitting to Voters-Recorder Reporting Structure 7/19/16 Link
2016-047 Approving Ballot Title Explan Statement Submitting to Voters-City Budget 7/19/16 Link
2016-046 Approving Ballot Title Explan Statement Submitting to Voters-Ordinance Adoption 7/19/16 Link
2016-045 Approving City Attorney Evaluaiton Criteria 7/19/16 Link
2016-044 Authorizing Contract for Sunset Blvd SS Extension Project 7/19/16 Link
2016-043 Amending Charter as Approved by Electors May 2016 Election 7/19/16 Link
2016-042 Reappointing David Sorensen to Parks Board 7/19/16 Link
2016-041 Appropriation Transfer FY 2015-16 6/21/16 Link
2016-040 Adopting FY 2016-17 Approved Budget 6/21/16 Link
