
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2017-058 Declaring Council Seat Vacant 7/25/17 Link
2017-057 ODOT Right-of-Way Transfer 7/11/17 Link
2017-056 Appointing Matthew Schantin to Cultural Arts Commission 7/11/17 Link
2017-055 Appointing Maddie Gavel-Biggs to Cultural Arts Commission 7/11/17 Link
2017-054 Authorizing the City Manager to Sell or Transfer Elwert Road Property to Sherwood School District 6/20/17 Link
2017-053 Adopting the FY 2017-18 Budget 6/20/17 Link
2017-052 Declaring the City of Sherwood's Election to Receive State Revenues 6/20/17 Link
2017-051 Adopting the Fee Schedule FY 2017-18 6/20/17 Link
2017-050 Adopting the Capital Improvement Project Plan for FY 2017-18 6/20/17 Link
2017-049 Transferring Budget Expenditure Appropriations Between Categories FY 2016-17 6/20/17 Link
2017-048 Appropriating Funds for the Refinancing of Water Debt 6/20/17 Link
2017-047 Creating a New Special Revenue Fun, The Grants Fund 6/20/17 Link
2017-046 Appointing Donna Vande Kieft to the Library Advisory Board 6/20/17 Link
2017-045 Authorizing an updated Urban Planning Area Agreement with Washington County 6/20/17 Link
2017-044 Certifying the Provision of Certain Municipal Services 6/20/17 Link
2017-043 Renewing IGA with the Washington County Emergency Management Co-Operative 6/20/17 Link
2017-042 Amending IGA with CWS 6/6/17 Link
2017-041 Approving Settlement Agreement Mutual Release with CWS 6/6/17 Link
2017-040 Authorizing IGA with Broadband Users Group 6/6/17 Link
2017-039 Contracting with Blackline Inc for 2017 Slurry Seal Program 6/6/17 Link
2017-038 Appointing Dann Wells to Library Advisory Board 6/6/17 Link
2017-037 Appointing Randy Mifflin to Library Advisory Board 6/6/17 Link
2017-036 Authorizing Audit Contract with TKW 6/6/17 Link
2017-035 Amending Resolution 2011-014 IGA Between City and URA 5/2/17 Link
2017-034 Authorizing AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement 5/2/17 Link
